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Family 2.0

Technology is an ally and not an enemy

Family 2.0 is a community project that aims to influence the way in which children and adolescents (between 6-15 years) use electronic devices and media for their education and learning throughout their lives. This project highlights the role of parents as the main

educators of their children and responsible for teaching them the appropriate uses of both information throughout electronic devices and media. 


Cuban families with children up to 6 years old and/or adolescence between 6 and 15 years old.

Technologies cannot be considered as an enemy, but as an ally. The importance of carrying out this project lies in the need to know what are the advantages of the proper use of information throughout electronic devices and media to enhance the education of children and adolescents. Those who respond to this age group are considered digital natives and millennials, therefore infotechnologies are an active part of their lives. On the other hand, the parents of these children and adolescents are mostly digital immigrants and must be literate in information and media to achieve a better use of infotechnologies in

education and learning throughout the lives of their children.


Among the activities to be carried out are family workshops where training will be carried out based on a Good Practices Manual on the proper use of electronic devices and media, as well as conferences and fairs on this particular subject.


The project supports the SDG objectives 3 "Health and Wellbeing" and 4 "Quality education. The aims of Family 2.0 are to achieve greater use of the benefits of infotechnologies in the education of children and adolescents, as well as maintain the physical and emotional health of children. It also focuses on the idea of training parents in the proper use of infotechnologies so they can positively influence the education of their children.

Expected results:

- Promote an informational and mediatic educational culture based on the healthy use of infotechnologies (information uses trough out electronic devices and media);

- Creation of a Good Practices Manual to improve interaction between children, parents, and media;

- Building an environment of trust between parents and children through the use of infotechnologies;


Erika Domínguez Agramonte
Annie Aguiar Díaz,
Ailet Hernández Salina,

Julio Lago Hernández

Havana, Cuba

A team of four students of Information Science in The School of Communications at Havana University. They have participated in projects such as EnRedes, Public Library and Community and Web 2.0  and also been active at international events: ICOM (International Communication and Information Studies) and INFO (International Congress of Information).

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